Our Greatest anguish can be the gateway to our greatest growth
Very few humans escape the challenge of anguish at some point in their lives.
Some people have more challenges and traumas in their life than others.
Whilst in the middle of a great loss or a great trauma or a great challenge it is very usual to lose perspective.
What worked before either stops working or doesn’t work in the same way as it did before. Whoever you are this is likely to be disorientating. You lose your usual reference points.
You feel at sea as you step into the new unknown.
The unknown is easier when you have chosen it and not so easy when you haven’t chosen it.
If you have a spiritual practice it helps.
However, even if you do have practices that keep you grounded and centred, it is likely that your beliefs about yourself, others and the world will be challenged.
You will likely cling onto your values as these are yours and cannot be removed, and these are likely to be challenged too.
In the middle of this type of experience, especially if it is prolonged, takes time to find yourself on the other side of it.
It helps if you can flow with it along the path of least resistance.
Create a clear intention of where you would like the flow to go.
A bit like the rudder on a boat, you will likely keep on having to adjust the direction of your intention as new circumstances arise.
You are not alone.
You may feel alone, and yet somehow there is a greater intelligence at work holding you, guiding your boat and taking you through that gateway to your greatest growth.
The greater the anguish, the greater the growth.
Part of the growth is a deeper peace inside than you have ever experienced before.