The old world is changing. A new world is being born. Each of us are creators in the new world. The old ways of creating are passing away. New ways of creating are emerging. The Way of Love is here to bring in these new ways of creating. We do not need to throw the old away overnight. We bring with us what is useful, loving and of the light. We discard what is cumbersome, outdated and no longer useful. To be creators in the new world, we open our minds and our hearts to new ways of thinking, being and doing.
The old ways of thinking and doing will no longer work in the same way they used to. Those ways were relevant to what we were creating then. New ways of creating are needed now.
Characteristics of the new way of creation
First and foremost, it is loving. Whatever we create needs to come from a place of love for self and others. This new way of creation cannot operate in a non-loving context.
It is intentional. To create with conscious intention sets the direction for the creation process.
It is co-operative with others. It respects all others, knowing that whatever we do for one, we do for all, for we are all connected.
It is co-creative with Spirit. Spirit is the life force of the Universe, bringing life to all forms of creation. We bring this life force to our creation.
It is aligned with the Divine. From a human perspective we can’t always see the bigger picture of greatest good. So all of our creation needs to be aligned to the highest good for all.
We have always been the creators of our reality. However, for the most part, this has been an unconscious process, because we were unaware of being the powerful creators we are. In the new world the veils of unconsciousness are lifting. We are becoming more conscious creators of our reality. We are learning at this time the importance of watching our thoughts, because we now understand their power to create our reality.
To be masters of creation in the new world we need to be masters of ourselves. This means learning mastery of mind, body and spirit. The way of Love shows the way to develop this mastery in the easiest, most straight forward way. It is available to everyone. No-one is excluded unless they exclude themselves. We have no power over the choices that others make. We are each given the gift of free will. This gift is powerful. It gives us choice in each moment to be, do, or have whatever we choose. We cannot make that choice for another. To do so would take away the power of choice given to them. There are those who because of age, illness, or ability will need to have choices made on their behalf. Each of these people are given guardians who are entrusted with making choices on their behalf. It is an honour to be entrusted in this way, either as a parent, an advocate, or a carer. We are accountable for the choices we make in these positions, but only from the perspective of intention; not from the perspective of outcome.
The Creative Process in the new world
There is nothing new in this process. It is the ancient creative process of all time. What is new is our conscious awareness of the process.
The steps:
Make a clear intention of what it is you want to create.
Clear the blocks to creation.
Bring the life force of Loving Spirit to your creation.
Take action according to the promptings of intuition.
Let go and trust.
Be thankful for the results even before you see them made visible.
Celebrate the outcome.
Elsewhere i go into these steps in more detail. Here I want to say more about this new world that is being created by us.
Some of you will be aware of ancient prophesies which foresaw the end of the world in this new millennium. Those prophesies were accurate at the time they were written. Humanity was set on a particular course of intention and action accompanied by rigid structures, at those times, which if continued, would culminate in the end of the world. However, we are in the process of changing our intention, our actions, and accompanying structures. Through these changes we are changing the world we live in. We cannot blame governments for what they do. They can only do what we allow them to do. Each one of us who creates a more loving world right where we are, in each moment, is helping to bring in the new world, where we think of others and ourselves. We can each create our intention, and carry out our action where we are. We each individually choose. This is the power of free will. FEAR DESTROYS. LOVE BUILDS. The choice lies with each and every one of us right where we are. There is no other place.
The guiding principle for the new building process is: heaven on earth for all.
The way is LOVE.