Heaven on Earth….What sort of world do you want to live in?

If you were a creator God what kind of a world would you create for you to live in? What sort of world would you want for your children, your grandchildren, nieces and nephews,  and all the generations that follow us? The focus of this blog is to help you do that.

This focus is very personal. What we do for one we do for all. So what better place to start than with yourself? Since we only have free will to make our own decisions, and cannot make decisions for others unless that has been entrusted to us, this is the only place we can begin.

What we do for ourselves has an impact on all connected to us. When we get our lives right for us we help others to get their lives right for them. There is no greater joy than living you want to do, all you want to be, and all you want to have.

This is the starting point for our creation of heaven on earth.


In your “Heaven on Earth” heaven on earth what would be doing? Who would you be? Who and what would you have in your life?


The first step in the creative process is about getting clear about what you want.


What sort of life do you want to be living?

The most loving thing you can do for yourself is to listen to yourself .

By this, I mean really listen to yourself.

I mean being completely honest with yourself. To answer these questions about your life there is little point in giving answers that are about what you think you ought to want, or what you think you should want. You need to become clear about what is the essential essence of what you want.


The Way of love points towards what is most loving. So if you were to be the most loving that you could be towards yourself what kind of life do you want?

Our old programming has been to start with what we don’t want. This can be a useful start point which I use elsewhere. Here I am going beyond that.


I NOW want to be  …………………


I NOW want to be doing  ………………….


I NOW want to have in my life …………………………


This is your start point . It is not your end point.


Your end point includes the sort of world you want to live in.


We all live in a context. Our contexts are different, so we all see the world differently. The creation of the context is a co-creation. It cannot be anything else. We all impact each other and the world around us with how we choose to be, how we choose to act and by all that we choose to have.

So what do you choose now for your part in the creation of Heaven on Earth? Your choices do matter. NO ONE is insignificant. Each and every one of us does matter. Especially our thoughts matter, because all of creation begins in the imagination with a thought.


Next month we will expand the thought of what we want.


Winter tidings…
